It seems like the writer of the piece assumed that everything that has happened was some sort of intended plan.
- I think the air cooled Sportsters went bye-bye because HD closed Bawal and pulled out of Thailand, same as the Streets, not because HD didn't want to sell them. The Streets were a sales flop here in the USA, although they sold well in Asia. They were just running out of markets they could sell XLs into, everybody wants that pesky clean air!
- It was very bad luck that just after HD committed to closing Bawal, the pandemic hit. If there was one time that anybody could sell any motorcycle they managed to build, that would have been late 2020. They could have sold a bunch of, HD branded, starter bikes if they knew that was about to happen.
- The article totally ignores the X440 which is targeted specifically at NEW, (although perhaps not young) riders. These just won't be american riders.
- It should be no surprise to USA moto media that the USA motorcycle market is generally contracting. If young people don't want to drive, don't even want to leave the house, they aren't going to want to ride motorcycles. Besides, I hear that requires two hands. What will I do with my phone?
Somethings things happen despite our best efforts. HD may be screwed because of nothing they did or didn't do. But, admittedly, I'd rather blame THEM for my buying and riding a bike made in India, or Japan, or China, than myself.