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I know what you mean about the Vintage Scooter folks. I ride a 4 stroke Stella, which is right up there with a reintroduced Lambretta in being despised by the Vespa / Lambretta folks.
I love the idea of a vintage scooter, but I don't tolerate two strokes very well. I was out just last night, participating in the annual Chicago "Slaughterhouse" scooter rally, and before the bikes even left the parking lot serving as the staging area for the night ride, I was nauseous from the fumes. I tried to get to the front of the pack, but it wasn't much help, because, although the two strokes are anything but smooth when accelerating, once they hit their power band, they are fast! Plus, somebody had apparently decided that the ride should be routed through the most congested heart of the Chicago friday night street scene and include as many stop lights as possible. Being surrounded by just a few noisy, smelly vintage Vespas and Lambrettas, gleefully rev bombing their engines and honking their horns while pumping out clouds of sickly smelling gray smoke, was enough to fill my head with thoughts of just where a ball peen hammer should be applied to most quickly and permanently disable those "classics". I bugged out, with another suffering 4 stroke rider, about 2/3 of the way through the ride. My stomach is still upset 14 hours later. When I buy a classic vintage scooter, it will likely be a Cushman.
I'd vent in more suitable internet venues, but I suspect that the vintage 2 stroke riders are the core members.