@ A2: Too bad we don't have someplace to air-drop all these like-minded yobbos. Preferably an island, but maybe easier a collection of old tankers moored someplace at least 500 miles offshore in 300-1000 feet of water. Several suspiciously flat-topped seamounts in the Pacific are suitable. Old tankers are $20M to $50M, about what it takes to house 500 inmates for a year. 500 guys on an oil tanker is a LOT of room per man. The US Navy could roll by every 2-4 weeks to collect the mail & top up the drinking water tanks, at least until their stills were operational. With luck, some buckets and a bit of line they could dip silt off of the bottom and eventually establish a farmable area on deck. Lots of plants grow in seawater, some palatable. Rain capture is another source of freshwater. That, chipping barnacles off the hull (food & "soil") & subsistence fishing would give them plenty to do. A hectare of PV panels for power & it'd be just like home. Maybe they could sell handicrafts made from the sea plastics & miscellaneous trash that wash by for "extras" like soap, fish hooks, fishing line and seeds. Coast Guard or Navy drones could take in hand any adventurous folks trying to skip town, but a 500 mile open ocean shark-feeding expedition is daunting to most. Naval sea drones could practice on any sightseers wandering by.
I really don't think it takes a college degree to get along. You want to be a citizen, act like a citizen. If your first inclination is to maim others to make a point, maybe you need to move along. As you point out, NOBODY really wants to live next to these a-holes. There is absolutely zero reason to spend a dime to warehouse these eejits. Pull their citizenship papers let them live on "Sea Vista Estate Ranchos" (aka "Waterworld", "Costner Estates"...). Maybe for the milder cases offer $50,000 USD to any country willing to take them, and a hearty "good luck in your new endeavours".