Ammeter will tell you if coil is drawing current with points closed, stopping when they open. The point surfaces can develop a film over time that blocks current flow. Contact cleaner/alcohol & a strip of thin grey uncoated cardboard will burnish them up nicely. They MUST be conductive. Make certain there is <0.5 ohms back to the battery (-) from the distributor casting.
"New" doesn't guarantee anything with electrical bits. Liberate the points wire & tap it against battery (-). or a proven "ground". IF there is (+) to the coil YOU become the points. A quick on/off tap will yield a spark, preferably blue.
I really like the Mallory brass case condensers. Very business-like. Mine end up at the coil, less condenser killing heat & vibration, more room in the distributor. Electrically it doesn't matter. Condensers can spontaneously just die too.