Trump and Vance have said nothing against Walz 24 yr service in the National Guard. Only his intentional lies about being deployed. You don't have an issue with these statements ?
"We can make sure those weapons of war, that I carried in war, are only carried in war."
" Tim Walz wrote a speech "where he claimed to have 'stood one night in the dark of night at Bagram Air Base in Iraq' and watched an American soldier's body get loaded onto a plane. "Bagram is in Afghanistan, not Iraq and Walz didn't deploy to either,"
no, i disapprove of these apparent bald-faced lies, though i'd want to check the sources. as i've said repeatedly, i don't follow the news.
but in 2019 and 2020 donald told a series of mutually exclusive lies about covid. do you approve of that?
and why? to keep attendance up at his rallies, which just happens to be the BEST way to help it spread, trashing his surgeon general in the process, and all to stroke his tremendous ego. viewed in terms of internal consistency,
one of them
could have been true, but in fact
none of them were: "it's a hoax" "a liberal hoax" "it's just like a flu" "it will be gone in a week" "gone in two weeks" "gone in a month" "like a miracle, by easter". and now on the fifth or sixth variant, over 1 million americans are dead. do you approve of that?
he cheats at golf. do you approve of that?
he's cheated on every one of his wives. do you approve of that?
when found guilty of cheating on his taxes he said "everyone does it" which isn't exculpatory, it's a confession. do you approve of that?
he said "just grab them by the pussy" do you approve of that?
donald called veterans "losers and "chumps". do you approve of that?
donald is a felon with multiple convictions. do you approve of that?
most serious of all, donald has repeatedly expressed a desire to abrogate the constitution. do you approve of that?
which he specifically swore an oath to defend, which is perjury. do you approve of that?
project and diffuse and distract all you like, it doesn't change the fact that donald is a compulsive liar, a cheat, a perjurer, a sociopath and a convicted felon.