I can't imagine that Indian riders will long be happy with 2nd class tech & materials used expressly to improve the balance sheet. 50 years on from 1975, there's no reason that RE air-cooled machines across the board are 50 pounds heavier than they need to be. If Bajaj decides to build a 250/400 "standard", RE will need to step up. I can't wait to see the R.E. 452 Dakar effort, THAT will be a "come to Jesus" moment for R.E. engineering.
Harley has created a good negative example of how NOT to run your motorcycle company. $25K - $30K 550 pound 150 HP trail bikes & E-bikes aren't exactly flying off of the shelves. Craigslist has PAGES full of near new HD V-twins for sale. HD could have diversified their market but chose to double down on the high mark-up market. Hopefully R.E. won't choose the same dead end.
I can't help but notice that the cases of poor HD sales performance you cite, are all examples of diversification, new products developed to attract new markets. This has been the case for HD as far back as we care to look, the Pan American, the Livewire, the XG Streets, the V-Rod, the Topper, the Hummer, all created to change up the formula and create or tap new markets, and all poor sales performers. (Although the XGs were HD's leading sellers in Asia)
HD's biggest selling machine, up until they closed Bawal and discontinued it, was the Iron 883, which until very close to the end, was priced at less than $10K. I know a couple folks who bought one, both first time bike purchasers. These new buyers didn't want something new, they wanted a slice of the same thing that folks have wanted in their HD moto for 100 years.
Until the very last quarter, HD has been consistently leading the US market in share. Everybody's business declined as the USA market contracted.
Despite the narrative, all evidence seems to suggest that HD's mis-steps have been associated with their investments in NEW innovation, attempting to develop new markets and failing, and choosing, or being forced, to withdraw solidly performing existing product.
I agree with you, let's hope that RE does not follow down the same path.
I have to wonder, if HD was UNABLE to update their venerable Evo Sportster engine to meet Euro 5 or BS 6, how does Shineray expect to do it?