IF it was the CF tube, 5000 psi worming thru from outside to inside via a epoxy matrix crack could explain the implosion.
HP water propagating thru a cracked matrix could rapidly hydraulic chunks of CF off, weakening the structure. At a critical point the process rapidly accelerates and "bang". A saltwater mist inside the pressure hull at those pressures wouldn't give much reaction time.
I watched a U-Tube wherein James Cameron, (who has been deeper than 35,000 ft, solo), said the he heard from his deep diving community friends, that the Titan's support ship received data that Titan's crew had dropped their dive weights shortly before losing contact with the sub. He suggested that this meant they had heard something that made them change their minds about descending.
He says the info he got from his contacts, the fact that the support ship had lost contact with the tracking module, which is in a separate pressure hull, simultaneous with loss of communication with the main hull, plus the fact that a "bang" was picked up by sonabuoys, plus the weight drop info. indicated to him, before monday even dawned, that the eventual outcome was inevitable. Of course, we didn't hear about any of this until the hard evidence was found.
It seems to be against human nature to admit the worse truths, while hope has any plausibility, no matter the financial cost.