Since we don't function as the manufacturer to the world anymore there is a lot of doubt that another big prolonged conflict would go well for us. After the initial two weeks or so the hi-tech hardware will run out, so we'd best be signing peace treaties on our terms by then because the manufacturing base that won WW2 is long gone. As far as being "the only undisputed superpower" China may have a bone to pick there. They have a blue water Navy, hypersonic glide vehicles to keep the oceans around China ship free, benthic submarines to dissuade the fast attacks. A standing army of 2,000,000 with a reserve of 20,000,000 in a week, 200,000,000 in a month. They have landing craft and artificial armed islands.
History shows organized aggressors (like that asian country with 20, 40, 60 & 80 year plans...) have better outcomes than disorganized, fractured, self deluding ones. 06 Jan just had 20,000 "Meal-Team 6" selfie seekers utterly fail in eliminating a couple hundred capitol police and maybe 300 "undesirable", out of shape elected representatives of Congress and thus creating a new Government for the Dear Leader. The whole US Alt-Reich ultra-violence thing is a self-deluded crock. Crime increases with economic disparity. Running off manufacturing & tech jobs impoverishes the middle class & dumbs down the workforce. Concentrating economic power and influence in the hands of fewer people is bad for society as a whole. As the money funnels upward, the middle class gets squeezed out of existence, gets dumbed down, people get desperate & hopeless, crime goes up.
The US needs to focus more on National survival & less on worshiping & aping the wealthy 0.1%. We need onshore manufacturing for all necessary items. We need an emphasis on practical education and meaningful employment. We need to quit doing things that divide the people of this country and start making it possible to live a useful, valued life regardless of where you were born, based on the what you can do and know, not by accident of birth.
A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.
You can't have "a well regulated militia" peopled by mental defectives or folks that are obsessed with divisiveness. The whole point of a regulated militia is for protection of the common good, not a particular ideology. Weapons are tools, not talismans. Operation of dangerous tools requires self-control, common-sense, rules & training. Those lacking in common-sense or self-control don't need to be operating a forklift, a rough-country crane, a Toyota Corolla or a single-action Army Colt, let alone the Black Rifle. If you are unwilling to clean up your house it'll fill up with crud.