Haven't even made 200 miles yet, but I love every square inch of my new C-5 - the sound, the handling, the awesome front brake - except the seat. I have a butt the size of Idaho, so there's some side-slopping going on, but mostly where my spine hits the seat it's fairly thin, dense foam over a metal seat pan. The bike's suspension is wonderful, and I don't think the seat springs are much more than retro-decorative, so I've been looking for alternatives, maybe the ones with little interior springs that would have a little more "give." I'd also like to sit back a little further, but while the CMW site advertises a couple seats that sit you back further relative to the regular Bullet seat, the C-5 seat is just as big as those, about 15" X 13".
There are seats that advertise they bolt directly to the shock bolts (I particularly like the Sedona brown one), but I don't know whether my shock bolts are in the same relative place. There are seats with two supporting springs similar to the C-5, but the springs appear to be flat-bottomed, like they are to go into some sort of carrier. The C-5 seat springs terminate in a vertical loop that bolts to a lug on the frame, so it doesn't appear a spring seat for other models will be compatible. Is there anyone out there who can look at a C-5 seat, and then go a few steps and look at a regular Bullet, and tell me whether I'm up a creek for now?