Part #18 in the exploded view of your carb isn't a pilot air jet OR a pilot jet.
Just my personal opinion, but I don't think the way you're going is going to ever get this carb right. I think you're changing too many things at once & you've never even once said you've even gotten the idle mixture to be correct using the Air/Fuel Mixture Screw so that you can figure out if the Pilot Jet (Part#21) is right.
If you get a carb in the mail that you immediately have to start drilling holes in the jets, something must be basically "not right" somewhere. And you've got to do one thing at a time, in the right order, testing each change, to ever get anywhere.
Just my opinion. Means nothing. Carry on & good luck
85MPH? Wow!
Thanks for the input I do listen to other opinions honest!
Without any real guidance, I bought a cheap carb with a set of jets that I thought would be a good starting point.
Its far from perfect but I'm sure it will be a marked improvement over the standard CV carb ---eventually.
If only for the extra fuel its capable of pushing into the engine.
I was getting confused by the float height/ leaking problem. It was causing the mixture to be all the place at different times.
Once I had cleaned the float needle jet it started to settle down and respond properly.
I only focused on the air jet because there was an hole in the old carb jet and non in the new carb jet. The 1mm hole was good but the 2mm hole was definitely better.
Its running good beyond half throttle so I need to concentrate on the spitting and farting a low openings.
Because I have a choice of Mikuni slides that is next direction I think I should go just to see what difference they make.
I say 85mph, it was in that region but its not very easy to see speedo at those revs.
I do like the speedo - its at fifty in the middle. Forty and sixty on either side which are the nice cruising speeds.
Hundred mph is 'Off the clock' which has got to be the ultimate goal
At some stage, I'm going to have to buy some kind of rev counter just for information ---- This could be good enough for testing