Author Topic: Welcome to the Classic Motorworks Royal Enfield Community Forum - Please Read  (Read 282428 times)

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Kevin Mahoney

  • Gotten my hands dirty on bikes more than once -
  • Global Moderator
  • Grand Gearhead
  • *****
  • Posts: 3,583
  • Karma: 0
  • Cozy Sidecar distributor/former Royal Enfield dist
Welcome to the Classic Motorworks Community Forum. This forum is supplied and supported by Hitchcocks Motorcycles ( It is intended to be a place where owners and enthusiasts can trade information, tips, good rides etc. It is intended to be a positive environment for members to help each other, learn more about their bikes and to share experiences.

When you signed up you agreed to our Terms of Service, but we want to simply restate some of the more important points.

1. We expect all members to be respectful to each other. We will not tolerate rudeness, flaming, name calling or other forms of Internet Kung-Fu. Our members come from many countries, cultures and have varying degrees of experience and all are to be treated respectfully and with kindness. If you disagree with someone it must be done with the utmost discretion and respect.

2. If you are upset or have had one too many pints of ale or wine, please consider waiting before you push the send button. Some of the best e-mail messages are those which were never sent.

3. No commercial advertising, we don't want this forum to turn into an advertising platform full of traders advertising their products.

4. Please refrain from both political or religious discussions, these topics just give moderators an extra headache.
« Last Edit: March 11, 2024, 10:54:17 am by Dantheman »
Best Regards,
Kevin Mahoney